The Peaceful Partnership: Nixon's Daughters Speak

Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower reflect on a partnership that, in their words, "produced a generation of peace for our nation."

Parisian Diplomacy: Kissinger's Vietnam Negotiations

Delve into the details of Kissinger's extensive and often challenging negotiations in Paris, aimed at securing peace with honor in Vietnam during the Nixon Administration.

Rolling Stone's Verdict: "War Criminal"

Explore the controversial perspectives presented by Rolling Stone magazine, labeling Kissinger as a "war criminal" following his demise.

The Nation's Critique: Death, Destruction, and Misery

Greg Grandin, a Yale University history professor, shares insights on how Kissinger's policies are viewed as bringing "death, destruction, and misery to millions of people."

Nobel Peace Prize: The Irony of Recognition

Discover the irony behind Kissinger being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the settlement that ended the Vietnam War, jointly with Le Duc Tho, who refused the honor.