- “Satyameva Jayate” is from which Upanishad_____________________
A. Aitereya Upanishad
B. Kena Upanishad
C. Mundaka Upanishad
D. Prashna Upanishad
Ans: C
2. The period before the development of script is called ___________
A. Pre-historic
B. Historic
C. Palaeolithic
D. Neolithic
Ans: A
3. Who was the most important God during the time of Rig Vedic culture__________________?
A. Agni
B. Barun
C. Indra
D. Shiva
Ans: C
4. The Indus civilisation declined from about ______________
A. 1800 BCE
B. 1900 BCE
C. 1950 BCE
D. 1955 BC
Ans: B
5. The land of Upper Ganga Doab region was described as_____________
A. Kuru-panchalas
B. Ganga valley
C. Indus valley
D. Videha
Ans: A
6. The earliest age in history is called ______________
A. Old Stone Age
B. New Stone Age
C. Copper Age
D. Iron Age
Ans: A
7. Burzahom is an important site of _____________
A. Neolithic culture of Eastern India
B. Neolithic culture of Ganga Valley
C. Neolithic culture of Kashmir
D. Neolithic culture of South India
Ans: C
8. The site of Mehrgarh has been associated with __________ culture
A. Palaeolithic
B. Neolithic
C. Mesolithic
D. Chalcolithic
Ans: B
9. The first Palaeolithic tools were identified in ____________
A. 1860
B. 1863
C. 1873
D. 1883
Ans: B
10. Early Harappan period was ________________
A. 3000–2600 BCE
B. 2600–1900 BCE
C. 1900–1700 BCE
D. 1700–1500 BCE
Ans: A
11. The ______ inscriptions mention the trade contacts between Mesopotamia and Harappan civilisation.
A. Heiroglyphics
B. Devanagiri
C. Kharoshti
D. Cuneiform
Ans: D
12. ___________ was an important source of subsistence for the Harappans.
A. Pottery
B. Craft production
C. Agriculture
D. Fishing
Ans: C
13. Baghor I and Baghor III of Son Valley in Madhya Pradesh are some of ___________ sites in India.
A. Lower Palaeolithic
B. Upper Palaeolithic
C. Middle Palaeolithic
D. Neolithic
Ans: B
14. The Early Vedic culture is placed between__________
A. 1500-1000 BCE
B. 1000-500 BCE
C. 2000-1500 BCE
D. 3000-25000 BCE
Ans: A
15. The main collection of vedic hymns are called____________
A. Brahmanas
B. Samhita
C. Aranyakas
D. Upanishads
Ans: B
16. The Aryans migrated to India around______________
A. 2000 BCE
B. 1500 BCE
C. 750 BCE
D. 1200 BCE
Ans: B
17. The four-fold division of the society, namely, Brahamana, Kshtatriya, Vaishya and Sudra, became well established in which period____________
A. Later vedic period
B. Early vedic period
Ans: A
18. Vedic texts were memorized and orally transmitted by Brahmins from generation to generation________________
A. False
B. True
Ans: B
19. There is no evidence of child marriage in Early Vedic period_________________
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
20. Women had been excluded from rituals in the later Vedic period________________
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
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