Ramsar Sites in India: Updated List, 2024
India is home to a vast network of wetlands that are valued internationally. Diverse ecosystems, such as freshwater lakes, mangrove…
Modern History of India: Top 50 Important MCQs
In this comprehensive “Modern History of India”, we unravel the key events, personalities, and movements that have shaped the nation’s…
Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Prepositions with Answers
Prepositions: Prepositions might seem small and insignificant, but they play a crucial role in the English language. These tiny words…
150+ Miscellaneous Assam GK: Important for Upcoming State Govt. Exams
Extending on Assam’s GK leads to a world of many cultures and languages, with Assamese being the most common. With…
Important Rivers of Assam and their Tributaries
Nestled in the captivating northeastern region of India lies Assam, a state graced with a sophisticated network of rivers that…
Uniform Civil Code: Key Insights and Implications
The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has been a matter of intense debate and deliberation in numerous nations across the globe.…
The Trailblazing Chief Ministers of Assam: Pioneers of Progress
Assam, a culturally rich and diverse state located in northeastern India, has witnessed the dynamic leadership of several esteemed individuals…
Important Assam Geography MCQ: 100+ MCQs
This blog post of ours as the title indicates “Assam Geography MCQ” would cover multiple choice questions on Assam geography.…
An Overview of National Parks in Assam: Exam Perspective
The Northeast of the nation is where the Indian state of Assam is located. Assam stands out geographically for its…
Indian Civilization and Culture Question Answer
The Chronicles of ‘Indian Civilisation and Culture’ is a story of evolution. From the ancient Indus Valley civilization to British…